Our twelve colourists (six based in MPC London, four in our LA studio and two in NY) are available to our clients throughout Europe and the US.
Director of Colour Grading, Jean-Clement Soret explains, "It really is amazing, creatives can be part of the grading process wherever they are and choose which colourist they want to work with, regardless of where they are based. Remote viewing has moved on so fast and is now an essential part of the grading process.”
How does it work
MPC has outfitted new facilities over the globe with monitors identical to those in the grading suites at MPC’s studios. By way of a dedicated internet feed and identically calibrated monitors, clients can grade with the MPC colourists as though they were in the same room.
Remote Partnerships in Europe:
Ellora Chowdhury - Remote Colour
Remote Partnerships in the US:
Ed Koenig - Remote VFX & Colour
Remote Partnerships in the rest of the world: