The A-Team

Joe Carnahan directs this revamp of the 80’s classic.

Joe Carnahan directed The A-Team, a revamp of the 80's classic produced by 20th Century Fox. MPC's Vancouver team - led by Erik Nordby - worked with Overall VFX Supervisor Jamie Price to complete the Desert Storm Kuwatii environment, soldiers and a range of vehicles and helicopters.

MPC's main challenge was to create the busy US Air Force forward operating base in Kuwait as it gets ready to pull out the troops.
Working with concept art from the production team, MPC created the 2.5D environment and props to enhance the live action footage.

The Vancouver team used large, projected mattes integrated with CG structures.

To populate the base, the 3D team simulated 150 soldiers using MPC's proprietary crowd tool, Alice. Other props included CG trucks, C130s, Blackhawk helicopters, Humvees and Chinooks. MPC also carried out sky replacements and clean up work.





Joe Carnahan


Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation

MPC VFX Supervisor

Erik Nordby