A new spot for John Lewis Home Insurance launches today. Created by adam&eveDDB, directed by Blink’s Dougal Wilson, with VFX and colour grading by MPC. The new ad strengthens an award-winning relationship between the three entities.
Inspired by hearing the Elton John classic hit ‘Tiny Dancer’ on the radio, the ad follows a passionate, aspiring young ballet dancer’s somewhat graceless and endearingly clumsy expression of dance through the kitchen, lounge, dining room and hallway of her home, whilst very nearly causing a trail of destruction in her wake.
2D artist, Tom Harding combined multiple ‘plate’ layers and carried out rig removal and clean up to generate natural consistency and the possibility of what could happen. Colour graded by Jean-Clement Soret.
Dougal Wilson
Ben Priest
Richard Brim
Jo Cresswell
Sian Coole
Joe Guest @ Final Cut
Anthony Moore @ Factory
Julie Evans
Hannah Ruddleston
Tom Harding
Dan Sanders
Toya Drechsler, Mike Cosgrave, Petter Lindholm, Sreejimol CP, Sugumar S, Lokanath Sahu & Abdul Labeeb
Jean-Clément Soret