In the tale that inspired Herman Melville’s Moby Dick, In the Heart of the Sea, from Director Ron Howard, follows the crew of whaling ship, the Essex, as they reach the limits of survival after a whale attacks their vessel. Technicolor Senior Colorist, Jean-Clément Soret, worked with long-time collaborator, Cinematographer, Anthony Dod Mantle (Slumdog Millionaire), to provide colour finishing for the project.
Jean-Clément Soret said: “We mixed classical and unconventional photography and looks. It was shot with many different cameras for practical and aesthetic reasons, each giving its own colour space and texture.” On working with Anthony, Jean-Clément commented that, “Anthony was keen to make a statement and leave a strong visual touch on the images after all this is part of his style. His bold and daring aesthetic choices won't go unnoticed by the audience.”