Avios, Anything Can Fly

Beautiful VFX propel new spot for Avios with 101 London

Simon Rattigan has directed Avios’ captivating commercial ‘Anything can Fly’, announcing the new name of the airmiles scheme.  Produced by Nicky Barnes at 101 London and Lisa Trnovski at HLA, the spot features household appliances taking over the skies to show how far your airmiles can take you.

MPC’s VFX Supervisors Bill McNamara and Carsten Keller assisted the shoot on the Spanish side of the Pyrenees where the intricate machines were put to test.  Customised propellers had been built for each of the appliances including a washing machine, lawnmower and petrol pump. MPC’s work had to integrate seamlessly with the live action. The 3D team was tasked with building a CG BBQ and creating a rocket-style take off with CG smoke.  For the washing machine shots, a CG drum and bottom were created to integrate with the prop used during the shoot. The team also carried out extensive clean up and rig removal work to enhance the shot material.

Jean Clement Soret carried out the colour grade.

The 60sec spot and cut downs will air in the UK from 19th November 2011.

The Avios story began when Airmiles' owners British Airways merged with Iberia. This gave us the opportunity to create a shared reward currency.

And going global gave us the chance to stretch our wings and come up with more. More ways to collect and more flexible rewards. In short, a bigger and better scheme.

We listened to changes our members wanted, took all the best bits of Airmiles and wrapped it up to create Avios.

More information: www.avios.com




101 London

Production Company



Simon Rattigan

Agency Producer

Nicky Barnes


Richard Flintham, Augusto Sola

Production Company Producer

Lisa Trnovski


Adam Spivey @ The Play Room



VFX Producer

Tim Phillips

VFX Supervisors

Bill McNamara, Carsten Keller




Jean Clement Soret

VFX Team

Ben Cantor, Andrea Falcone, Saber Jlassi, Bevis Jones, Yosuke Matsuno, Sam Meisels, Andreas Restle, Tom Rowell, Rob Walker